
Thursday, April 30, 2009


-Start my diary with Student Council Meeting...-

-It Run Well, but I do Some stupid Thing, I use bahasa pasar when meeting run...Zzzz-

-I also make some dicriminate to my Exco-Member...Sorry dude, I will change through this^^-

-The meeting discuss the next month activity that we will organise in our college..lolsZzz..-

-We have own group member now, we work in group to find the sponsorship together, this are the new challenge for me, try to solve it smoothly...yeah~~~ -

-Many thing happen to me today, but i was no written here, sorry ya...i want to keep it private...hehe^^-

-Good Luck to u all SC member!! gambateh, + u^^-

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


-Today i bought new guitar at MEGA Mall... lol, seems like tat mall already Not branded more..haha..-
-It was so GOOD!! Better than my old guitar 1oo times... >.<-
-Never Thought that I know to play guitar right?? lol... I'm simply play de... Not a pro. -
-Again thanks to u my Friend.. I never thought that u will help me to pay 1st.. Thanks Ya Dude!!-

-Nothing Happen to me again.. heHe...-
-Only i'm happy with my new GUITAR!! lols...bleks~~~ -
-OK le, just end it here, Thxs again to My Friends-

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


-I noticed that u are my "Gui ren" lols... Everything u can do... lol-

-TingtinG play give me Two with m3^^ lol... I'm happy, but I'm have my own Difficult too...T.t...-

-Wish u Recover Fast Fast ow...must healthy always-

-U feel hurt, I feel Worry. U feel difficult, I feel pain.-

-Fishing today, no fish want to makan, cos them just finish having lunch lor...wahaha...-

-ok le...No more Thing to write again...-

-Good9 Rozer..Sweet dream...-



-Active Girl, SuperWomen.. lol....good luck girl^^,-
-yEr Smile, Smile Smile^^, lols-
-Clare her name.. Pretty?? haha.. Blablabla..1.2.3.Smile.. :3 -
-Bathsheba (88) lol, almost same right?? So just make it easy, 88..haha, dont mind it, kidding my frens^^-
-BeiBei, Cutie^^ lols-
-Having Dinner After Accomplish Training, Dinner at Shabu-Kun, Japanese Restaurant^^-
-Good, hehe, Xin ku le^^- Good luck^^-
-Hehe, At last WE Still Complete the Task!! hehe Smile^^-
-Mr. KoBe, My Bestie lecturer^^-
-The Powerful Group, which are the winner OF this Elite Training!! Silat kah tu?? Yang belakang dua monkey tu rasa macam do business in toilet, i mean Buang Air Besar~ lols, Kidding ya guy, dont get mad..lols, You are the bEst!!-
-The Others Group Member^^, forget wat group ad..>.-Ben & Me, MY best Frens-lol
-Our War Dance!! haha.. WE Shout tat "we Are the BEST!!" yeah!!-
-Group Member When Having Training & Development process-
-From left to right: Malachi, Hii, Me(Ro23R), BeiBei and Vivian-
-Mine Cert. Tembalik ad liao la=.=Zzz-lols-
-Student Council Member^^, Gambateh ow~+ u...-

-Zzz, Late liao, wanna sleep...-
-Bleks...Nothing to write 2day, hehe...stop here...-
-Good night^^, Sweet Dream Rozer, wish i have a nice day on Every Next Day-